This Blog is dedicated to all true seekers after the one universal Truth To see the real we must dispel the glamour that is all around us all

Saturday, September 5, 2015

The People Next Door. ;-By- Mike j HUghes

I can understand the fear of the masses who are , and have been socially conditioned , who have no understanding of these great space brothers are part of the gathering of the forces of Light , and to help humanity in this dangerous times . Humanity is in a desperate time in need. However people must open up , and be more grateful , respectful , cooperative, and most of all We must ALL begin to get acquainted with our Brothers and Sisters from other man bearing globes . They are here to help and bring technology that will not harm the delicate biosphere. Most of all,- transportation and free energy around the globe . Now the very thought of this idea will not rub well with Big Oil Lovers who will lose out big time if anyone got hold of this technology So we have people from all walks in life who will perform very elaborate ''abductions'', rapes, probing, and all these silly little experiments, and God knows what else??!!! Those who love their oil , money , way of life in comfort ,- and therefore will do anything to make our space brothers look like hideous demons , the enemy , the ones killing cattle and ''other things''. Thus the rich will make movies about man-eating monsters from space , space -rapes , and more. This in turn will start causing ripples throughout human mental dynamics , which again stimulate the astral-emotional imagination , and the''greater bulk'' of human beings are , at present, polarized in their astral -emotional levels of consciousness . One powerful ways in which the space brothers get our attention is to shut down nuclear missile silos again and again, and again , and again . I tell you all now . These ''Space Brothers'' are Benign , ...not to mention that it was they who prevented WW3- 4 or 5 time since World War Two. Ponder Well My Friends Share the news of Maitreya Lucis Trust. Esoteric Study, Alice . A . Bailey. The 24 Books By Alice A Bailey and D.K - Theosophy and Occult. World Goodwill Site. A collection of almost 1000 online articles, organized by topic

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