This Blog is dedicated to all true seekers after the one universal Truth To see the real we must dispel the glamour that is all around us all

Friday, October 2, 2015

My Review on Treaties on Cosmic Fire. By-Mike j Hughes

By;- Mike j Hughes-

Well ,- it took me many years to read it over several times before I began to have some deep understanding of how the cosmos works through various grades of Spiritual and the Lunar Hierarchies , and of how Humanity fits into this grand scheme of cosmic evolution.
I have been a student of esoteric occultism for many years ,- since the age of about 13 or so.
As a young teenager, many of the adults in my life thought as always , that I was just passing through a temporary ''phase''. However over time , as I entered my late teens and early 20's I began to take My studies more serious , as I pondered , contemplated , and engaged in the ''art'' of meditation ,and a group meditation known as ''Transmission meditation''.
This was a new kind of meditation which was given to Benjamin Creme' by His Teacher ,- who is a Master of Wisdom of a highly developed constitution .

''A Treatise on Cosmic Fire'' was a major undertaking as a project, and after a while I went to a great bookstore and purchased about 6 or 7 books by;- Alice .A . Bailey Books .
It was not long before I accumulated a personal library with all the books being the Alice . A. Bailey Teachings , H . P Blavatsky , Benjamin Creme' The Agni-Yoga , Leadbeater , Micheal Robinson , and so much other related materials.

These books alone have had a profound effect on my life , and have given me 
an inner realization of how big , vast, and beyond comprehension is both outer and inner cosmos.
One day all will evolve far beyond the Human stage of evolution , to become in cycles far and distant,- planetary and solar Logoi

We are in a perpetually state of Becoming , and eternal unfoldment revealing layer after layer and Glory after Glory of THAT TITAN in us ALL. 

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